When Outlaws on the lam invade the home of an unsuspecting, seemingly innocent, frontier family to hide out for the night, an unexpected game of cat and mouse ensues, leading to seduction, role revers...
10-year-old Harriet dreams of leaving her home, where she doesn't feel she's needed by her mother and sister Gwen. When her mother dies in a car accident, she really starts to make plans for leaving a...
沉湎于毒品的单身母亲阿什利·史密斯(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 饰)在自己家中,被忽然闯入的黑人男子布莱恩·尼科尔斯(大卫·奥伊罗 David Oyelowo 饰)劫为人质,布莱恩是一名越狱的逃犯,警方还认为他杀害了审查他案件的法官。然而,这段劫持与被劫持的经历最终让他们拯救了彼此的人生。 本片改编自《意外的天使》,由阿什利·史密斯根据亲身经历所著。...
《综艺》爆料,《星运里的错》男星安塞尔·艾尔高特与《王牌特工》男星塔伦·埃哲顿正在与片方进行最后的商谈,有望加盟《大智若愚》(Billionaires Boys Club)。影片改编自同名剧集,艾尔高特扮演商界天才,埃哲顿扮演职业网球选手,影片展现二人在商海的沉浮。该项目将于下个月在美国电影市场卖片。...