The story revolves around Jeanne, a brilliant architect who is entrusted with the renovation of a sumptuous manor house belonging to the rather strange Daguerre family, who sit atop a board games empi...
In the spring of 1944 an RAF Mosquito Squadron are ordered to attack a German rocket fuel plant in Norway. The mission involves flying up a heavily defended fjord and bombing a cliff overhang in an at...
被丈夫抛弃的现实凯西(詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly 饰)倍受打击,每一天,只有在酒精的麻醉之下,她才能抵挡内心所遭受的痛苦的煎熬。这样的凯西日渐消沉下去,对自己和周遭发生的任何事情都不再关心,直到有一天,她收到了来自地方治安官的通知,她所住的房屋即将因为欠税被公开拍卖,而凯西竟对此毫不知情。 艾米尔(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)一家人成为了凯西的房子的新主...