改编自D. Eric Maikranz所著小说《转世文献》(The Rein carnationist Papers),聚焦一个被自己前两世的记忆缠绕的男子,引出一群几乎长生不死、几世纪来多次转生的人,被称为“无限无穷之人”,他们的组织叫“Cognomina”。为了打败想毁灭地球的邪恶力量,他们必须依靠这个精神分裂的男子,而后者先要搞清楚:他常做的奇怪的梦都是前世的记忆。...
The plot features Eugenio, a young jeweller who in the late sixties meets Conchita on a bus in Barcelona. They instantly fall in love and he learns to play the guitar to accompany her in her music car...
故事开始于林肯总统遇刺身亡之后,有八人因为谋杀总统而遭到了逮捕,42岁的玛丽(罗宾·怀特 Robin Wright 饰)是其中唯一的女性,玛丽经营着一间家庭旅馆,而刺杀总统的全部计划都是在这间旅馆的某个房间里诞生的。艾肯(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)是一位初出茅庐年轻有为的律师,他奉命为玛丽辩护,虽然艾肯知道就算有他的辩护,玛丽还是难逃死刑的惩罚,但还是决定走一遍流程。 ...
A young Italian noblewoman plots with her lover and her family to murder her abusive father leading to an uproar in the community and the Roman Catholic church set in 16th Century Italy....