饱受癌症折磨,“竖锯”约翰·克莱默(Tobin Bell 饰)油尽灯灭。然而他所创造的“拼图杀人案”却并未就此停止,反而愈演愈烈。警官马克·霍夫曼(Costas Mandylor 饰)曾假借“竖锯”之名向残害他家人的凶手复仇,但他很快成为约翰的猎物。经过一波三折,霍夫曼成为“拼图杀人案”的接班人,只是约翰警世救人的初衷被彻底抛却,取而代之的无休止的血腥杀戮。一场毫无胜算的五人逃生游戏在霍夫曼德主持...
阴云密布的高谭市,自蝙蝠侠消失的十年里,变种人团伙为非作歹,变本加厉,将这座繁华城市变成充满恐怖和凶杀的罪恶王国。嫉恶如仇的吉姆·戈登探长(大卫·塞尔比 David Selby 配音)行将退休,却不免成为变种人下一个袭击的目标。随着双面人哈维·登特(韦德·威廉姆斯 Wade Williams 配音)走出精神病院,高谭市被带入更加阴冷的黑暗之中。与此同时,富翁布鲁斯·韦恩(彼得·威勒 Peter W...
Only one lusted glance brings Aliya to the events throwing her into the criminal ocean. But in the wirliging of passions and turmoil when she finds herself at the verge of fatality it's only her true ...
Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks (1990) and at the same time not always and entirely in the same place as Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me (1992). A feature film which presents deleted scenes from Twin Peaks ...