Bluestone 42, the critically acclaimed BBC Three comedy drama series about a bomb disposal unit in Afghanistan currently enjoying large audiences on the channel, has been re-commissioned for a further...
New planets are now being discovered outside our solar system on a regular basis, and these strange new worlds are forcing scientists to rewrite the history of our own solar system. Far from a simple ...
來自加拿大搖滾天團《崩世光景》(Broken Social Scene)首次電影為他們量身打造的作品《This Movie Is Broken》將在八月期間製作完成,由曾在2007金馬影展播出的電影《迷走青春》的導演布魯斯麥克唐納執導,也將於今年正式與全球樂迷、影迷們一睹這個搖滾天團的魅力! 《崩世光景》(Broken Social Scene)樂團堪稱是近年來許多獨立製片導演最愛合作的搖滾樂團...
Sparks fly when a dog walker with hidden artistic talent becomes the subject of an art history professor's plans to Impress her employers at an art exhibition....
After a routine prison transfer crashes in the forest, young Inuit paramedic Melina finds herself surrounded by murderers with a mere 100 feet to climb out of a ditch to escape. When they are attacked...