每年,有许多不同种类的候鸟飞行数千英里往返穿越美墨边境,它们并不在意人类制造的各种法律和障碍。两国边境上虔诚的观鸟者,以及所有政治派别的人,对这些生灵和它们的险阻之旅怀有同样的强烈情感。纪录短片《观鸟者》由奥蒂利娅·波蒂略·帕杜亚(《Diario a Tres Voces》)执导。该片赞扬了那些观察、记录、监控并为这些物种的权利和栖息地而战的人们,从另一个角度展示了迁徙这一生存手段。...
Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the curre...
5 cousins discover a diabolical game that meets their deepest desires, they just have to be prepared to lose the most valuable things in their lives....
Bekir, dreams of going to the moon by his bicycle just like the kid he saw on TV in the Turkish E.T. movie, 'Badi' film trailer. Rabia and her qiwan.cc sister get into a hot dispute over the i...
As the #1 social influencer at her high school, Anna is still discovering the advantages and drawbacks of this new status. Home alone, she's determined to gain as many followers as possible, but w...