Sam, a brilliant computer hacker seeking a better life, always seems to make the wrong choices, even under the watchful eye of his probation officer, Harry. Now, barred from using the Internet and stu...
In Cecil B. DeMille’s 1920 comedy Why Change Your Wife Gloria Swanson (DeMille’s regular leading lady of this period) as Beth, a respectable and rather prim wife who discovers that husbands don’t nece...
《童话镇第四季》于2014年9月29日回归。第四季将会引入热门迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘》的故事。乔治娜•海格(Georgina Haig)将饰演冰雪女王艾莎(Elsa),伊丽莎白•莱尔(Elizabeth Lail)将饰演女王的妹妹安娜公主(Anna)。而斯科特•迈克尔•福斯特(Scott Michael Foster)将饰演流浪人克里斯托弗(Kristoff)。...