When plans for a weekend vacation hit a dead end, a group of close-knit friends find themselves stranded in unfamiliar territory, pursued by a menacing, blood thirsty predator. Holed up in an isolated...
A young boy dreams of going to the junior sumo wrestling tournament in Tokyo to find his father and make him proud. That is until a global pandemic turns the world upside down....
We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April 1...
Ton and Jack are two students who're infamous for making video clips in which they challenge and even insult superstitious beliefs. As their viral clips rack up more and more views, they get carri...
Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his late father's estranged family in small-town Luxembourg, which hides a much darker nature. When she r...
现代伦敦与地点不明的宗教狂热“其时城”,两个世界、四条线索平行发展。乔纳森?普利斯特(瑞恩?菲利普 Ryan Phillippe 饰)是其时城的面具英雄,也是其时城唯一的无神论者,因悔恨自己没能拯救一个无辜的小女孩而设法从政府监狱逃出,立誓要找元凶“个别人”寻仇。伦敦城里,艺术系学生艾米莉雅(艾娃?格林 Eva Green 饰)与母亲不合,在艺术课实验中屡次求死;青年人米罗(山姆?赖利 Sam R...