它描绘了一个超越死亡的快乐爱情故事。尹欧是一个鬼魂,因为他的怨恨而不能离开人类世界。然后他会和一个人有一个爱情故事。 It depicts a joyful love story from beyond death. Yoon Oh is a ghost who cannot leave the humans realm because of his grudge. He will then ...
道林格雷(彼得·弗斯 Peter Firth 饰)是一个出生非常卑微的穷小子,在一次机缘巧合之下结识了著名画家巴兹尔(约翰·吉尔古德 John Gielgud 饰)和绅士亨利,在两人的引荐之下,道林格雷接触到了巴黎上流社交圈的奢靡生活,就此无法自拔。巴兹尔为道林格雷画了一副肖像画,将他美丽的身体描摹得栩栩如生,这幅画已经流入市场就引发了圈内各路人士的热烈讨论与赞美,道林格雷也就此成为了圈中名人。 ...
The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school....
A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with the not so earth shattering pr...
An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives....
When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in t...
三个儿时的玩伴,瑞弗金(克里斯·克莱因 Chris Klein 饰)、费勒(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)和狄克逊,一直保持着纯真的友谊,尽管他们在纽约过着不同的生活。然而,一天,他们共同收到了应征入伍的通知单,只有30天的准备时间。这个通知对他们的生活产生了深远的影响。瑞弗金是一名已婚律师,事业正在上升期,最近刚被升为律所的合伙人。他努力寻找应征入伍程序中的法律漏洞,希望能够逃避兵役...