Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with p...
A female American reporter searches for her missing brother against the backdrop of violence and human smuggling across the USMexican border. Inspired by true events....
Festivities at Staples Center in Los Angeles honor excellence in the recording industry, James Corden hosts; scheduled performers include John Legend, Metallica, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Adele, ...
它描绘了一个超越死亡的快乐爱情故事。尹欧是一个鬼魂,因为他的怨恨而不能离开人类世界。然后他会和一个人有一个爱情故事。 It depicts a joyful love story from beyond death. Yoon Oh is a ghost who cannot leave the humans realm because of his grudge. He will then ...
故事发生在一座神秘而美丽的热带雨林之中,这里生活着稀有的野生动植物。然而,尽管被称为热带天堂,这个地方并没有逃脱人类贪婪和欲望的威胁。在这个环境中,一位美丽、充满原始野性的女性,希娜(坦娅·罗伯茨 Tanya Roberts 饰)成为了雨林的守护神。 希娜从小生长在雨林中,与野兽为伍,她身手矫健,还具有神奇的能力,能够控制整个地区。她抵挡住任何对雨林有不良企图的人,以她卓越的本领和独特的魅力...