Trapped in an abandoned insane asylum, five college students and the rogue scientists who abducted them must band together when a supernatural threat appears....
Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abando...
Why has a kids TV show about an eccentric man with a box that can travel anywhere in time and space become the BBC's longest running TV drama - and one of Britain's biggest brands? On its 5...
It is a time of chaos and tyranny. The once-great nation of England is splintering and on the verge of revolution. The people need a hero to rise and fight to restore freedom from the realms oppressiv...
这是一个美国再普通不过的小镇。镇上居民露薇(多莉-帕顿Dolly Parton饰)开了一间美容沙龙,和五个顾客女子特别要好,美容沙龙就成为她们嬉笑怒骂家长里短的场所。虽然性格各异,但六个好友聚在一起,时光总是有趣而又温馨。 谢比尔(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts饰)就是其中一个死党。她患有糖尿病,因此母亲再三劝说她不能生孩子。谢比尔却毅然决定要怀孕生育。她凭着坚强的信念,让孩子顺...