'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-w...
Russell gives a moving performance as sister Elizabeth Kenny, the dedicated nurse who crusaded for the treatment of infantile paralysis. Academy Award Nominations Best Actress--Rosalind Russell....
Meet the world's first 'cyborgs' - a quadriplegic, a blind man, an amputee, a bio-hacker, and a woman with Parkinson's - the scientists who help them, and one entrepreneur who will stop at nothing on ...
故事发生在20世纪80年代初期,种族隔离政策在南非掀起了狂风暴雨般的波澜。帕特里克(德瑞克·卢克 Derek Luke 饰)是炼油厂的领班,他和妻子普利西斯结婚多年,共同养育着两个可爱的小女儿,生活过得十分幸福美满。 日益严重的种族歧视让当地的黑人们群情激奋,他们将这种愤怒通过暴力和破坏的手段发泄了出来。炼油厂发生了爆炸,身为负责人的帕特里克被警方逮捕,尽管没有确切的证据证明帕特里克就是主使,但...