约翰·波耶加正商谈主演新片《裸奇点》(A Naked Singularity)。由《小丑回魂》《沉默的天使》编剧Chase Palmer执导,David Matthews(《毒枭》《黑胶时代》)写初版剧本,Palmer进行了润色。 基于Sergio De La Pava所著同名小说,探索了美国的刑事司法体系,讲述卡西在纽约工作,是一名成功的公共辩护律师。他在工作的重压下开始紧张,在输掉第一个案子...
David Portnoy, a 15-year-old birding fanatic, thinks that he's made the discovery of a lifetime. So, on the eve of his father's remarriage, he escapes on an epic road trip with his best friends to sol...
Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl S...
BearCity is a hirsute "Sex and the City," following the funny, romantic, and occasionally dramatic adventures of a group of bears and cubs in New York City. The sequel, BearCity 2 follows ou...
拉萨雷校长面对警察工作难以及时到位的现状,再出奇思异想,推出“全民警察”计划,由警校负责培训社会志愿者,以加强警民联系。于是乎,马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)、高塔等六人组以及卡拉汉教官再次受命返回学校。与此同时,昔日的教官哈里上尉担心志愿者会影响警察们的工作,对拉萨雷的计划唱起了反调。警察学校方面的各毕业生迅速开展志愿者征集,引发哈里粗暴执法的滑板少年等人纷纷加...