When seventeen year old Hannah stumbles upon a website about Thinspiration- an online community devoted to anorexia as a life choice - she becomes an obsessive follower of the site founder, ButterflyA...
After troubled teen Katie is sentenced to house arrest, she falls for an attractive young man named John who has just moved in next door. While their affair seems harmless at first, Katie becomes incr...
When a fracking environmental accident rips apart the earth's crust, the resulting hole lets out prehistoric sharks from underground. The sharks target a group of women and trap them in a cabin....
有着先天性智障的詹姆斯(小库珀·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 饰)从小到大都是众人嘲笑的对象,由于他总带着一个收音机,“收音机”就成为了他的代号。没事的时候,詹姆斯喜欢呆在汉娜高中体育场,久而久之,一个名叫哈罗德(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)的教练注意到了他。 在又一次被人捉弄后,哈罗德帮詹姆斯解了围,不仅如此,他还当众宣布,从此往后,詹姆斯将会是他的橄榄球队中的一员。哈罗德...