A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers. This series is set in the fictional Beach City, where ageless alien warriors, the Cryst...
Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It is the coming-of-age story of a young boy named Steven, who grows up with three magical alien...
A young man is released from an asylum and returns home for revenge on his aunt and her three daughters, who had him declared insane in order to steal his inheritance. 一名年轻人从精神病院被释放,回到家中,报复他的姨妈和她的三个女...
The Saphead is a 1920 comedy film featuring Buster Keaton. It was the actor's first starring role in a full-length feature and the film that launched his career. The plot was a merging of two stories...