The movie follows the original tale in a somewhat loose fashion, but manages to retain the majority of the images and action. A seminary student must survive three nights in prayer guarding the decea...
作为一个电影公司的制片人,Griffin Mill(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)每天要从无数的剧本里面挑选极少的几部拍成电影。他最近的日子不太好过,先是Larry Levy(彼得·盖勒 Peter Gallagher饰)和他竞争日益激烈,然后又是不断收到匿名的恐吓信,让他忐忑不安。他怀疑是某个被他拒绝了的编剧所为。他把怀疑集中到一个叫David Kahane的编剧身上,于是他在电影院...
影片改编自同名畅销童书《Clifford the Big Red Dog》,讲述在纽约,小女孩Emily Elizabeth(达比·坎普 饰)得到了一条小狗,这只名叫克里弗的红色狗子乖巧可爱,成为了在学校不合群、孤独的她的好朋友。但狗狗慢慢长成了庞然大物,被一家生物基因公司看上了,Emily和叔叔Casy(杰克·怀特霍尔 饰)必须带着它逃开贪婪之人的追捕。...
Ben Annie are a young couple on a weekend trip to Annie's small North Carolina hometown who, after meeting a charming old friend, embark on an impromptu 'Bigfoot hunt' that threatens both their rel...