A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man in a vacant parking lot. Now, she must convince her mother to believe her story before she enac...
Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first one is a dead woman, the other one is a man who is...
Britain’s most notorious gangsters, The Kray twins have gained legendary infamy for their brutal reign over 1960s London, which continues to fascinate and shock to this day – but who was the man who b...
When a school teacher goes missing after a risqué video of her is posted on the internet, a police officer is huo87.com tasked with uncovering the truth behind her disappearance....
马克·欧布莱恩(约翰·浩克斯 John Hawkes 饰)曾在幼年时期患上过小儿麻痹症。疾病的后遗症不仅让他再也没有站起来过,并且还让他饱受呼吸困难的折磨。虽然已过而立之年的他早已成为一名成功的诗人兼记者,但作为一个男人,却从未尝试过性的滋味。在向牧师朋友多次寻求指引 后,他毅然决定通过雇佣专业性从业者来帮助自己完成这个愿望。于是谢尔(海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt 饰)出现在了马克的生活里。然...
1988年7月15日,一所大学为毕业生的狂热所充盈。籍着这股躁动,轻浮的德克斯特(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)穿过层层人墙,寻找可以与之共度这最后狂欢与浪漫之夜的尤物。他将目光锁定在艾玛(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的身上,一个来自普 通工薪家庭的聪慧女孩。然而短短的交流过后,他们之间什么也没发生,却又注定改变了彼此的一生。在之后的岁月里,两人以友人知己的身份时...