Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voy...
This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who p...
Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with p...
Assigned by the professor, 5 senior university students were invited to the old mansion belongs to ML.Salukjit, an old elite who welcomes them with her weird attitude. Before the decision to leave or ...
The plot introduces us to compulsive gambler Sergio, who, despite having promised his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, receives a tip-off about a rigged football match. Fully inten...
作为中东第一支也是唯一一支女性激流金属(thrash metal)乐队,“塞壬之奴”(Slave to Sirens)正如名字中魅惑的海妖塞壬一样,充满着吸引力。身处政局动荡的贝鲁特,五位乐队成员宛如照亮表达、反抗与独立之路的灯塔。这些女性以优雅的姿态、原始的热情和对艺术惊人的执着,在动荡的环境中走过青春的情感旅程。当她们努力应对着友谊、性向的复杂,面对着周遭的破坏时,她们的勇气也在经受着考验。...