A powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysterious circumstances and Barry, Iris and the rest of Team Flash are pushed to their limits mke6.com in a desperate battle to save the world. But with...
In the not too distant future, a very smoggy and overpopulated Earth government makes it illegal to have children for a generation. One couple, unsatisfied with their substitute robot baby, breaks the...
短片改编。 Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency....
在一个平静的夜晚,一辆飞驰而来的汽车,撞碎了音乐教授约翰(威廉·麦鲍瑟 William Mapother 饰)的幸福生活,他的妻女以及美好的人生都被尚未成年的少女罗娜(布里特·马灵 Brit Marling 饰)夺去。这起事故,也让罗娜的心灵蒙受巨大打击。罪恶感让她过着最底层的生活,却始终逃脱不掉灵魂的谴责。偶然机会,她重逢约翰,并以清洁人员的名义走进约翰潦倒无望的生活。在一段时间相处过后,他们渐...
Ten-year-old Gloria and her recently widowed grandfather Bud befriend a mysterious reindeer when the family gather for Christmas. Bud comes to believe that Prancer may actually be magical, but Gloria ...