A charming guy attempts to pick up a woman in a bar by spinning a tale involving spies, implanted microchips and the dangerous military scientist hunting him....
This Is England '90 is an upcoming British TV drama series written by Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne. A spin-off from the 2006 film This Is England, it is also a sequel to the series This Is Englan...
而今年11月2日《大叔之爱~in the sky~》电视剧版第二季要回归啦!主演依然是田中圭、“女主角”依然由 吉田钢太郎(上司大叔)。故事舞台由不动产公司换成了航空公司,第二季中,田中饰演35岁被突然裁员、转行当空少的春田创一,依然延续废柴人设,吉田饰演为人、技术都得到同事信赖的机长黑泽武藏,基于这些背景人设,展开新的故事。千叶雄大饰演与黑泽搭档的副机师成濑龙、户次重幸饰演机修工四宫要、春田...
Musical retro romance. Claudia Koval came to Leningrad from Poland with one goal - to get as much knowledge, so it is with the head immersed in their studies. Its motto - "You can not feel sor...
海伦米伦也要回归电视圈了!——奥斯卡影后涉足/重返电视圈趋势更甚,HBO刚刚请到梅丽尔·斯特里普加盟《大小谎言》第二季,又宣布海伦·米伦将出演4集限定剧《伟大的凯瑟琳/凯瑟琳大帝》(Catherine the Great),饰演俄罗斯历史上唯一一位被冠以“大帝”之名的女皇叶卡捷琳娜二世·阿列克谢耶芙娜。这也给了HBO竞争艾美奖限定剧类奖项的机会,此前归为限定剧的《大小谎言》因为续订而被归为剧情类剧...