A political thriller. The film tells the story of an MEP who is shocked by the mystery-shrouded dismissal of the European Health Commissioner and who subsequently throws himself into a full-blown c...
A female student named Ainun, who admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village who is famous for his supernatural powers in curing various diseases. One day, sur...
入围华沙电影节前两部竞赛。 The film takes the viewer back to the previous century. Its topic, raised for the first time in feature films, opens one of the most shameful and terrifying pages in the history of th...
Vintage food expert 'Old Smokey' and collector Josh Macuga, uncover and eat the oldest and most shocking foods to have survived history. 老旧食品专家'老烟鬼'和收藏家Josh Macuga一起尝试并揭秘最古老且最让人震惊的食...