托尼奖获奖百老汇音乐剧《来自远方》(Come from Away)将被改编成电影,The Mark Gordon Company投资制片,原作者、词曲家Irene Sankoff和David Hein将编写剧本,剧版导演克里斯托弗·阿什利也确定执导影片。设定在9·11事件之后,38架飞机意外迫降加拿大纽芬兰与拉布拉多省的小镇Gander,7000名旅客滞留。在被迫停飞的处境下,小镇的居民热情地欢迎...
在离开了弗罗里达之后,贝丝(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)来到了诸多淘金者心目中的圣地拉斯维加斯,在那里,她找到了一份酒吧女招待的工作。虽然生活和设想中的大相径庭,但贝丝并没有太多的精力去思考和抱怨,每一天,能够吃饱,有地方住就已经是最大的奢侈了。 赌徒丁克(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)正是看准了贝丝这种浑浑噩噩的生活状态,才会找到她希望她成为自己的搭档的,没...
The Mayan calendar predicts that the world will end in 2012, and many believe it's true. This Emmy-nominated Discovery Channel documentary illustrates the variety of ways the apocalypse could arri...
On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an evil Christmas tree. Hell-bent on gettin...