It follows Charlotte as she meets her competitive neighbor Bonnie. When it is discovered that another neighbor was killed, a neighborhood watch is created. No one realizes that it was Bonnie who secre...
After re-vamping a home, beautiful interior decorator Ava becomes madly obsessed with the handsome owner. She sets out to eliminate his family and live in the house she created with the man she loves....
An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, providing fake criminals to take on other people's crimes. But a new dangerous client turns their world upside down as they face lies, deceit a...
Haejin Park, a trauma therapist, is forced to face her family's darkest past when she returns to her childhood countryside-farm to console her heartbroken younger sister....
Koh Chun Feng's career is starting to wear away at him. His patience is tested by the fact that the newspaper he works for is now jumping on the digital bandwagon. What does prove to be a blessing...