A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professo...
Eric Bross directs Public Affairs from a screenplay by Tom Cudworth about a campaign aide who must fight for his life after he sleeps with the wife of a presidential candidate....
在法国生活后,西奥回到泰国,在他父亲的学校学习。住在泰国再次让他的环境焕然一新,但他确实交了一个朋友Ak。西奥在图书馆里找到一本欢迎他的书,作者签下了“Enchante”,法语的意思是“很高兴见到你”。西奥对这个迷人的家伙很好奇,并告诉了Ak这件事。Ak很快暴露了情况,四个家伙站出来声称他们是Enchante。西奥会成功猜出自称是他的4个家伙中谁是真的Enchante吗 After living...