Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the ...
在美国的传说中,孩子要把换掉的牙齿放到枕头下,当他们睡着后牙仙会来拿走牙齿,如果这时孩子不慎看到牙仙的脸,他们就将被残忍杀死。小男孩凯尔(Joshua Anderson 饰)刚刚掉落最后一颗乳牙,牙仙的传说吓得他无法安然入睡。当晚他从梦中突然醒来,看到了牙仙带着面具的狰狞面孔。他逃跑时打翻蜡烛,火苗烧到牙仙的眼睛。接下来惨剧发生,凯尔的母亲(Rebecca McCauley 饰)被愤怒的牙仙残忍杀...
A group of millennial friends run a popular travel vlog that helps fund their adventures. Paige, the leader of the group, recently brought her younger sister Lindsey into the fold. Lindsey and another...
20世纪初南美秘鲁。痴迷歌剧的白人菲茨杰拉德(克劳斯·金斯基 Klaus Kinski饰)被当地人称为空想家“菲茨卡拉多”。菲茨卡拉多经常做出一些令人无法理解的举动,尤其当他在巴西的亚马逊大剧院欣赏到世界著名男高音卡鲁索的演出之后,居然萌生出要在秘鲁小镇上也修建出一座宏大剧院的疯狂念头。为了获得足够的资金,菲茨卡拉多接受了当地橡胶大亨向他提出到神秘恐怖的乌圭里亚林区进行收割的任务,一段惊险刺激的旅...
为了应对愈演愈烈的温室效应,世界各国在2014年发射了代号CW-7的冷冻剂,谁知却将地球推入了万劫不复的极寒深渊。大多数的人类死于寒冷与恐慌,只有为数不多的数千人登上了威尔福德工业开发的列车,成为永不停歇的流浪者。这列火车借助威尔福德(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)开发的永动引擎,并且配备各种完备设施,在之后的十七年里构建了属于自己的独立生态系统,周而复始旋转在43.8万公里的漫长旅途中。...
Summer adventure story about two kids who spend summer in city suburb, where together with talking dogs they rescue the romantic wooden-house neighborhood from reconstruction....
Four friends come to an old, abandoned factory in Lower Silesia, where their friend went missing a year ago. While trying to unravel the mystery of his disappearance, they discover the terrifying expe...