Jai Malhotra (Shahid Kapoor) lives with his best friend, Sonia (Kim Sharma). He meets Neha Mehra (Kareena Kapoor) and falls in love with her instantly. At first Neha rejects Jai, causing him to attemp...
In April 2013, chaos erupted in Boston near the finish line of one of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathons. It was the worst terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11 and led t...
Run-D.M.C.'s Rev Run brings us along for a hip-hop reimagining of The Nutcracker ballet set in New York City. It's the night of the annual New Year's Eve block party and Maria-Clara's ...
The mother loves her daughter; the daughter loves her mother. The tragedy of misunderstood love. The adaptation of Magda Szabó's novel translated into twelve languages....
Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful grazie...