The story of a traditional Kyoto woman who runs a failing kimono business and the entrepreneurial, biracial, business consultant who comes to help keep it solvent. Along the way they fall in love, but...
本片讲述了911对巴基斯坦人和整个穆斯林世界信徒的影响。是一场在正统派和自由派穆斯林之间的战争。现状带来的冲击不仅存在于穆斯林和西方国家之间,而且存在于穆斯林信徒之间。受良好教育的现代穆斯林信徒因为他们的生活方式和西式服装而遇到了困难。正统派穆斯林指责西方世界仅仅凭借他们的穆斯林名字而片面的把他们看做是潜在的恐怖分子。这个矛盾让穆斯林为此受苦。以上提到的电影“KHUDA KE LIYE ”(以父之...
硬汉托马斯·贝克特(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger饰)是一位美国海军陆战队的老兵。然而冷酷无情的贝克特却因为曾经不顾他的战友而臭名昭著。这一次,美国情报部门派遣年轻的神枪手理查德·米勒(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane饰)与贝克特搭档,前往巴拿马完成一次刺杀任务。亦敌亦友的一老一少深入丛林,在远离后方支援的情况下,两人却各怀鬼胎,甚至互相攻击。但随着任务的进行,两人开始慢慢地接纳彼此,在紧...
Academy Award-winning documentarian Errol Morris pulls back the curtain on the storied life and career of former British spy David Cornwell — better known as John le Carré, author of such classic espi...
Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she ...
On January 1, 2003, in the south of Brazil, Laura, matriarch of a family of the upper middle class, found his family in their country house, for a Sunday meal. But on this day of President Lula's ...