Jasmine, a young teenage girl on the run, is taken in by Shane, a showman who works on a travelling fairground passing through town. As an unorthodox bond between the pair builds, their combined quest...
根据克劳斯·鲍姆加特和蒂尔·施威格的同名儿童绘本改编,A rabbit is discriminated by all the other rabbits and even by the fox for having no ears. He just wants to have a friend, when an egg rolls to his front door....
Follows Iraqi war veteran Tes, as she prepares to strike back after a group of home invaders attack during her sister's bachelorette party, and she discovers that they are hellbent on not leaving ...
A cheerleader is imprisoned and made to jump through social media challenges for a seemingly motivated kidnapper - but does he want more than he is telling her?...