In this stop-motion holiday special, Mickey, Minnie and their pals attempt to celebrate the perfect Christmas at their snowy cabin. However, when Pluto causes Santa to lose all the presents on his sle...
Ed Hutcheson, tough editor of the New York 'Day', finds that the late owner's heirs are selling the crusading paper to a strictly commercial rival. At first he sees impending unemployment as an opport...
From members of Winnipeg’s infamous Astron-6 collective comes a loving homage and absurdist send-up of the Italian giallo genre. Rey Ciso was once the greatest editor the world had ever seen — but sin...
一年一度的圣诞佳节终于到来,在狂欢派对上,投资公司职员大卫(布瑞恩·杰拉夫迪 Brian Geraghty 饰)终于鼓起勇气向刚刚辞职的美丽女职员艾蜜莉(艾丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)搭话,聚会中途,二人驱车和他们的朋友科瑞(乔什·派克 Josh Peck 饰)一同返回。此时已近深夜,希望买点儿什么吃的的三个人进入某自动提款机服务站取钱,可是正待出门时却发现一个神秘阴森的身影站在外面,后者...