A sniper returns home from Afghanistan to his small Northern town. Confronted with the mundane reality of everyday life he longs for the release provided by shooting. Slowly his need for regimented mi...
Adopting an animal into your life can be a life changing experience. The documentary film "Cody - a homage to dogs" researches the possibilities and the accompanying conflicts and dilemmas w...
The Cassini spacecraft was sent on its way to Saturn in 1997. Since then, she has travelled nearly four billion kilometers, delivered a probe to a toxic moon, discovered phantasmagorical structures on...
Gutenberg invented printing, the most consequential invention of the Middle Ages. The technical adventure of Gutenberg is very impressive. The printing press, the paper, the ink... . He manages to ass...
Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn...